Florida has a long history of African American public officials serving as Tax Collectors. There were at least 25 African American Tax Collectors serving in Florida during the Reconstruction period in the late 1800s. [1] Homer Bryan and David Montgomery both began serving as Tax Collector in 1868.[2] Mr. Bryan served in Jackson County and Mr. Montgomery served in Madison …
Future 15: Tax Collectors Merge Brick-and-Mortar and E-Commerce to Better Serve Florida’s Citizens
As e-commerce transactions continue to trend upward with the likes of Amazon continuing to grab more market share, businesses like Walmart that were once strictly brick-and-mortar operations have found ways to adapt. Walmart has purchased Jet.com and offers a variety of not only e-commerce services but also hybrid services where customers can purchase products online and pick them up at …
Future 15: Change and Harnessing Technology
To stay on the cutting edge of customer service, technology, innovation and to remain adaptive to emerging trends, the Florida Tax Collectors Association consulted with a near futurist to help identify relevant trends so that Tax Collectors could anticipate these potential changes and adopt strategies to better serve the citizens of Florida. The by-product of that effort is available here …
Small Gestures with a Big Impact: Tax Collector Offices Giving Back to Their Local Communities
We all have been to the Tax Collector’s office for the many vital government services (DL, CW license, property taxes, hunting and fishing licenses, making application to vote, etc) we receive there. But this is not a story about that. Rather, this is a note of appreciation for Tax Collectors and Tax Collector staff across the state who give back …
Florida Tax Collectors’ Kids Tag Art Program Expects to Hit $1 Million in Classroom Support In 2018!
Support Your Elementary School – Buy a Kid Tag Today! Statewide Program Expects to Hit $1 Million in Classroom Support In 2018 — “For thousands of fifth graders across the county, today is the day they have been awaiting! Today, Kids Tag Art announces the top two tag art designs from each participating school, earning the Award of Distinction …
Future 15: Blockchain
This edition of Future 15 focuses on the topic of Blockchain. Since this topic has generated quite a bit of interest, we wanted to share a few recent articles on Blockchain. Here is another article regarding Blockchain being used for tax collections in China. This is yet another great example of the broad uses possible for the technology. For more …
A Response to Finlay Article: “Government Office vs. Private Tag Agency”
By: Sharon W. Jordan, President Florida Tax Collectors Association In an article recently published by Independent Dealer in August of 2017, Jennifer Finlay, a sales manager for a private tag agency, wrote a scathing critique of government service provision and urged Florida’s car dealers to avoid Tax Collector offices and use private tag agencies instead. In a self-serving manner and …
Florida Tax Collectors Provide Local Support and Access During Wake of Hurricane Irma
Tallahassee, FL – Tax Collector’s Offices around the state are quickly coming back online after the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma. Florida Tax Collectors Association President, Sharon Jordan, states, “It may take some counties longer than others due to infrastructure damage or power outages, but as services return it’s important to remember, ALL Tax Collectors within the State are here …