Tax Collectors’ Impact on the State of Florida FY 23-24 | Impact by State and Local Services
Serving Florida Communities
As constitutionally-elected officers, Florida Tax Collectors work to serve each Florida community by managing state resources and protecting citizens’ needs at the local level. With the public’s interest as our first priority, we work with thousands of citizens every day to protect and support their most-treasured possessions. From a new child’s birth certificate, a teenager’s first drivers license or your home and vehicle, we have the privilege of supporting our community through the biggest milestones of their life.
Together, we provide decades of financial and services management, leadership, and advocacy as the collaborative voice for millions of Florida families.
Citizen Relationships
In 2024, we served more than half of Florida’s population; shaking one hand at a time.
State & Local Funding
Tax Collectors collected more than 21 billion dollars in taxes on behalf of the state of Florida last year.
Employed Families
We employ 4,839 people across the state, from rural country sides to urban centers.
Motor Vehicle & Vessel Transactions + Driver License / ID Transactions
We collected over 2.4 billion in motor vehicle, vessel, driver licenses and ID transactions on behalf of families across Florida.