Together, Anything is Possible…..
This year flew by so quickly that there has not yet been much time for reflection. Without question though, my heart is full of gratitude towards my fellow Tax Collectors for their commitment to working together and communicating well this past year. I have seen this year that: “Together, Anything Is Possible” as reflected by some outstanding and even historic achievements this year.
Thanks to the commitment to teamwork and communication by the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Tax Collectors, FTCA was successful in its advocacy before the Florida Constitution Revision Commission culminating in the inclusion of Amendment 10 on the November ballot. This is an unprecedented accomplishment for FTCA. The dedication of Larry Hart and his CRC Committee was unparalleled as the Committee spent an incredible amount of time and energy in the two-year process. The best indicator of our success is that FTCA stayed together through this process even though not all members see this subject in the same light.
Our team also worked with the Legislature to pass HB185 to get much needed revenue to Tax Collectors for certain DL services. Without the commitment of Tax Collectors to share a unified message with their local legislative delegations, this would have not been accomplished.
Finally, our Association was also recognized by the Governor and Cabinet for raising over $1 Million dollars for school arts programs. Joe Tedder and his team started an amazing program that many Tax Collectors have built upon in their communities.
This is just a small sample of what our FTCA team has accomplished this year through our focus on solving problems larger than any one member of our team. We came together and stayed together this year through mutual trust, respect and love. Together we achieved what none of us could have alone. Observing what our FTCA family is capable of this year has left an indelible impression on me that I will carry with me forever. I am so proud of the unification of our Association and your commitment to teamwork and communication. As the gavel is passed later this week to Ben Anderson, I have no doubt that we will continue to thrive if we continue to work together and communicate well.