Florida Tax

Impacting Florida Through
Collection and Connection

In FY 23/24:

More than $52.9 Billion collected in partnership with state agencies and local counties, cities, and municipalities to support state priorities and local police, fire, schools, etc.
More than 27 million Florida citizen customers served at our 200+ offices across the state and through convenient online services.

Floridians give our customer service a 4-star rating

Estimated customer review average of all Florida Tax Collector office services (Google Reviews) as of 12/10/24

Collected in partnership with state agencies:

$2.4+ Billion

Motor Vehicle and Vessel + Driver License/ID Transactions

$7+ Million

Hunting & Fishing Licenses

$475+ Million

Sales Taxes

$12 + Million

Concealed Weapons Licenses

$491+ Thousand

Birth Certificates

Collected and distributed on behalf of counties, cities, and municipalities:

$49.9+ Billion

Property Taxes/Tangible Taxes & Non-Ad Valorem Assessments

County-By-County Impact:

Motor Vehicle & Vessel Transactions

Birth Certificates


Driver License/ID Transactions


Sales Taxes


Hunting & Fishing Licenses


Property Taxes/Tangible Taxes


Concealed Weapons Licenses


Non-Ad Valorem Assessments

Motor Vehicle & Vessel Transactions

Driver License/ID Transactions


Hunting & Fishing Licenses


Concealed Weapons Licenses


Birth Certificates


Sales Tax


Property Taxes/Tangible Taxes


Non-Ad Valorem Assessments

Elected to Serve

As constitutionally-elected officers, Florida Tax Collectors serve each Florida community by collecting and distributing taxes and fees, serving as an agent of the state for motor vehicle and driver license transactions, managing state resources, and innovating new solutions to better serve citizens.

Innovating for Customer Convenience & Efficiency

  • Integrating AI/Chatbots to answer customer questions quickly and accurately
  • Placing kiosks in high-traffic locations (e.g., grocery stores) to allow customers to renew their registrations with convenient service hours
  • Launching My Easy Gov, an online system designed by and for tax collectors that utilizes QR code technology to make registration renewals quick and easy.
  • Deploying Express Lane service to allow customers to renew online with same-day pickup of registrations for their vehicle, boat, or mobile home, reducing location wait times
  • Initiating a new digital process that allows customers to order an E-title (electronic title) for pick up at a physical location
  • Using a digital translation device to communicate with customers in 82 different languages

Local Connections

All presented data is based on FY 2023/2024 collections sourced from State Partner Agencies and local Tax Collector offices.